Prohibited Items

  • NO Pets
  • NO Professional photo, video, or audio recording equipment (no detachable lenses, tripods, big zooms or commercial-use rigs)
  • NO promotional flyers or posters
  • NO Toy guns, water guns, slingshots
  • NO Weapon or weapon accessories of any kind, real or fictional (including lightsabers, pocket knives, pepper spray, fireworks, fake weapons/props, etc.)
  • NO Drugs or drug paraphernalia
  • NO Gas masks
  • NO Helium balloons
  • NO Illegal substances
  • NO Costumes that resemble public safety uniforms (police, SWAT, fire, security, or medical) in any way


To ensure a safe environment for all, security and medical staff will be present throughout the entire event. If you need any assistance, please seek out an event staff member.

Take Care of Each Other

If you suspect that someone is suffering from a medical issue or potential drug overdose, seek immediate attention at one of the clearly marked medical stations, or find an event staff member. Remember, you will not get in trouble for seeking medical help! Notify event staff immediately if a friend is experiencing:

  • Vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Pale skin color or bluish tinge
  • Abnormal heart rate and/or breathing (too fast or slow)
  • Abnormal body temperature (too hot or cold)
  • Delusions, hallucinations or paranoia
  • Pupils that don’t react to changes in light
  • Confusion, stupor (unresponsive but conscious), coma, or inability to be roused


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